Rover to use BMW engines in future
Subject: Rover to use BMW engines in future
From: "John G.Burns" <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 08 Aug 1996 13:29:35 BST
I read in AutoCar that Rover will phase out its petrol and diesel
engines for saloon cars and use BMW engines in future models. BMW have
stated that new engines must be capable of mounting transverely or
longitudinaly in future.
Rovers use 1400,1600,2000, four cyl 16V injection engines at preset.
They also have an 1800 diesel which is quite popular. Seems we can
look forward to an interesting set of replacements for the current
1600/1800 M40 BMW engine, presumably with 16 valves instead of the
current 8. Wonder how this will affect smaller BMWs?
Please, please don't let BMW start building front drive cars :-(
Same mag also showed the new 4WD station wagon. It's based on the five
touring but MUCH taller with beefy four wheel drive, out in a year or
two I believe.
- --
"It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open your
mouth in a meeting with the users and prove it." (Ancient programming proverb)
NB: As I am a gibberring idiot any views expressed here are NOT the views
of Stolt Comex Seaway Ltd. [email protected], Aberdeen, Bonny Scotland