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Re: [ihc] 13" clutches ...I think it is possible

GL-4 or GL-5, really doesn't matter, it still isn't the right lube for the
manual trans or transfer case. GL-4 still has the EP additives that can
damage softer metal parts. And yes, the reason I suggested the 15W-40 diesel
is that it's a lot cheaper than Mobil 1 to run for a couple thousand and
drain. Pretty much a waste IMHO to dump $5 a quart oil after a short span
like that when $1.25 a quart oil will do the job just as well. As for the
diffs, yes, the Mobil 1 gear lube would be good in them, but that's a
judgement call for you to make. I would make sure if you do the switch that
your pinion seals are up to snuff, again that stuff is too pricey to use it
to oil your driveway a couple of inches at a time.
----- Original Message -----
From: "John M. Adams" <[email protected]>
To: "John Hofstetter" <[email protected]>; "Dennis Bernth"
<[email protected]>; "Steven Stegmann"
<[email protected]>; <[email protected]>
Sent: Sunday, November 09, 2003 11:12 PM
Subject: RE: [ihc] 13" clutches ...I think it is possible

> I look back through my maintenance notes and see that both my manual
> transmission and transfer case have GL-4, not GL-5. Back then - my
> truck is recently back on the road after an 11 year "rest" - I had
> some reason for using GL-4 in the cases, and GL-5 with an additive
> in the diffs. Don't remember the details, and I don't have any product
> lit saved, can't read the labels...  Anyway, my question:
> To purge the transmission and transfer case of the old GL-4 gear oil,
> you're suggesting I run a 15w-40 diesel oil for a while, then switch
> to the Mobil-1 15w-50. Is that because you can't mix the old GL with
> the synthetic Mobil-1, or just because it's a cheaper flush? In other
> words, if I don't mind throwing out 6 quarts of Mobil-1 after a 2K
> "rinse", can I go straight to Mobil-1 and skip the dino oil?
> Also, I read this on the Mobil website:
> "Mobil 1 Synthetic Gear Lubricant 75W-90 meets the most severe API
> Service MT-1 and GL-5 EP gear oil service classification."
> Should I therefore consider running their 75w-90 synth in my diffs -
> it does say EP - and the 15w-50 in the transmission and transfer case?
> Thanks, all of you... this is real helpful input I'm getting.
> -John

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