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Re: [ihc] 13" clutches ...I think it is possible

---This will bring up an in-depth conversation about the EP rated oils used
in transmissions and transfer cases for our IHs, but that is good. The
correct gear oil for the T-19 and Dana20 is GL-1. So you are correct in
saying that the GL-5 was in fact the wrong gear oil, but there isn't any
additive that will help what using an EP rated oil will cause. GL-1 has NO*
EP rating, meaning it is not an extreme pressure gear oil. The EP additives
in EP rated oils are said to tear up the copper or brass parts in our

---If you were to go from the GL-5, which I suggest you do, I would drain
the cases, put  some SAE 30 and Marvel Mystery Oil in the cases, run it down
the road... about 10 miles. Take it home and drain it,  then add either the
50W motor oil or the 90W mineral gear oil. For the price, I don't think you
can beat 5 gallons of GL-1 for $13.oo, but when you get into the synthetic
gear oil, it will be more in the range of $30 a 5 gallon bucket... unless
you like buying quarts of motor oil at $5.00 a piece.

---Thank you,
-`73 Scout II (StoneThrower)
-`51 Farmall H (Heinz)
-`49 IH fridge (presently unnamed and in need of a compressor)
-`49 Plymouth Special Deluxe 4-door Sedan (Papapalooza)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John M. Adams" <[email protected]>
To: "John Hofstetter" <[email protected]>; "Dennis Bernth"
<[email protected]>; "Steven Stegmann"
<[email protected]>; <[email protected]>
Sent: Sunday, November 09, 2003 11:12 PM
Subject: RE: [ihc] 13" clutches ...I think it is possible

> I look back through my maintenance notes and see that both my manual
> transmission and transfer case have GL-4, not GL-5. Back then - my
> truck is recently back on the road after an 11 year "rest" - I had
> some reason for using GL-4 in the cases, and GL-5 with an additive
> in the diffs. Don't remember the details, and I don't have any product
> lit saved, can't read the labels...  Anyway, my question:
> To purge the transmission and transfer case of the old GL-4 gear oil,
> you're suggesting I run a 15w-40 diesel oil for a while, then switch
> to the Mobil-1 15w-50. Is that because you can't mix the old GL with
> the synthetic Mobil-1, or just because it's a cheaper flush? In other
> words, if I don't mind throwing out 6 quarts of Mobil-1 after a 2K
> "rinse", can I go straight to Mobil-1 and skip the dino oil?
> Also, I read this on the Mobil website:
> "Mobil 1 Synthetic Gear Lubricant 75W-90 meets the most severe API
> Service MT-1 and GL-5 EP gear oil service classification."
> Should I therefore consider running their 75w-90 synth in my diffs -
> it does say EP - and the 15w-50 in the transmission and transfer case?
> Thanks, all of you... this is real helpful input I'm getting.
> -John

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