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Re: Treasurer Qualifications - Probably Fact!?

You've gotta love Bubba Michel's statement of "fact" endorsing Kathy
Lyle for Treasurer:

>Date: Mon, 4 Jan 1999 11:14:24 EST
>From: [email protected]
>Subject: (no subject)
<big snip>
>Kathy Lyles' qualifications are greater than the sum of all of her
>opponents' and probably the past few BMW CCA Treasurers' as well. 
> Again, fact, not opinion.
<more snipped>
>Michel Potheau, BMWCCA founder, #000002

Somehow the use of "probably" doesn't seem right with "fact, not

Don't take my comment the wrong way, since I respect and appreciate
Bubba Michel's comments and advice.  He's been there and done that. 
And, I have absolutely nothing against Kathy.  But "probably" and "fact"
are two different things.  

Personally, I have been quite pleased with Tamara Hull's work as national
Treasurer.  While Tammi may not have been involved with the CCA as
long as Kathy, she has a pretty good record as an officer and event
organizer locally (GGC president, Oktoberfest '93 co-chair, etc.), and this
has helped her during her tenure on the National Board.  I believe that
Tammi has done a good job looking out for the interests of the Chapters
while serving on the National Board, and the last financial statements I
saw didn't seem to indicate any National financial problems, either. 
Michel's statement seems like a knock on those who have served before,
including Tammi, and I don't think this was justified, especially since it
appears that Michel doesn't have enough information to determine that
his statement of "fact" was, in fact, "fact".  Of course, this is just my
"opinion", and may not be "fact".   (Huh?)

Sorry to give you such a hard time about this, Michel, but I think you
should have reviewed your statement one more time before you posted
it.  Oh, and I'll reserve my opinion as to who to vote for until I see who's
running.  My January Roundel isn't here yet.  I may very well agree with
you, but I can't judge these "facts" until I see the information behind them,

Oh, for those of you who are not BMW CCA members, sorry for this
<wob>, but I couldn't let this go without comment.

Scott Miller
Golden Gate Chapter
BMW CCA #44977
Member only 15 years, only on my 5th BMW, past GGC Treasurer, past
GGC NL Editor, current and past Voice of the Hotline, 12 year member of
the AutoX Classification Committee, served on 2 O-Fest Committees,
former Drivers' School staff and a bunch of other stuff that I can't recall
at the moment - These are facts, too, and I ain't runnin' for anything at the
