
Re: bmw-digest V5 #237

> From: Barry Wellman <[email protected]>
> Date: Sun, 15 Sep 1996 18:47:48 -0400 (EDT)
> Subject: <E30> ash tray replacement?
> Having quit smoking about the time Bill Clinton took his last puff,
> the ashtry in my 1990 iX (brilliantrood) is functionless. It's easy to pull 
> out, and it then makes a handy holder for garage door opener. 
> Does anybody sell an aestheticly-pleasing replacement liner for this?
> Just part of my quest for aesthetic perfection.
> - ------------------------------------------------------------------
>  Barry Wellman             [email protected]          8-)
> - -------------------------------------------------------------------

  Ah! I have just the thing for you my good man! Send me your ashtray
and $29.95 and I will exchange it for a fine-used "Change Holder"(tm)
which also makes for a perfectly good ash-tray when your friends
are around!! 

						Dave M.