Re: bmw-digest V5 #236
Subject: Re: bmw-digest V5 #236
From: Dave Mitchell <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 1996 10:32:20 -0400 (EDT)
Sounds like it may just be the seal ring leaking! Just try replacing
that first - be careful of the spring under the cover and the yucky
oil that comes flying out with it!
If that doesn't fix it - maybe check valve in the tensioner is leaky. The
tensioner looks like a piston with a groove on one end for the chain guide
to fit in. There's also a spring that goes between the piston and the
bolt-headed cover that holds it in. Replace the seal ring while it's
apart (should be the same size as the one for the diff. drain bolt).
Get some small container like a margarine tub and fill it with oil
and put the new piston and (old) spring in to soak while you're
removing the old one. All you have to do is (while the oil isn't too
hot!!) remove the bolt carefully and catch the spring as it comes flying
out, as well as the piston.
Last few steps: put the new piston in and pour fresh oil in the hole
before and after. I think you have to sort of pump the piston with your
finger to get the air out of it at this point. Then put the spring in
and the bolt on top. Tighten the cover only until you feel the crush-ring
- -start- to crush. Don't overtighten it or you will regret it!!!
Did I miss anything?
Dave Mitchell
[email protected]
'82 320/6
> ------------------------------
> From: "tatterson" <[email protected]>
> Date: 15 Sep 1996 15:14:45 U
> Subject: <e30 M3> timing chain noise
> I am seeking advice on the title subject. About half the time I start my 90 M3
> after it's sat overnight, and particularly when it is nose up on an incline, I
> get a hellatious racket which dissappates after about 10 seconds. I am pretty
> sure it is the timing chain tensioner pumping up with oil pressure. How does
> it work? Is it easily replaceable without taking the "front" of the engine
> off? I see it's cylindrical body bolted up to the right side above the AC
> compressor. I am also losing oil from this location. Is it just a matter of
> replacing a gasket?? Any help is appreciated as I only have the Bentley
> 318/325 manual to go from and they do not really address this problem on the
> 318 motor. TIA!
> Bob Tatterson
> [email protected]
> 90 M3
> ------------------------------