re: KN filters
Subject: re: KN filters
From: [email protected] (daniel j. chin)
Date: Mon, 2 Sep 1996 11:43:48 -0700
There isn't a question of whether KN filters add power (even tho
Dinan says they cant measure a difference, Dinan doesnt use a
big enough fan). The question is whether KN filters lead to
accelerated wear on the engine. The KN's dont catch the micon-sized
silica particles that Barry Ritchie mentioned would appear in the
oil of KN-like filter'd engines.
For Jim C and others who swear by KN's, the only validated proof
would be a double-blind test of a number of identical engines
half equipped with KN and the other half with paper. A tear
down and measurement of tolerances of coded engine parts (so
the guy doing the measurement doesn't know which engine they
came from) would give definitive results. Oil analysis could
be used to determine when all the engines could be torn down.
Or, if given enough $$$ for lots of cars, tear downs could be
done at intervals, say 50,000 mile increments.
For folks who want to keep their cars for a long time and still
benefit from KN filters, they could simply remove their KN
filter when on the street (where most of their miles and time
accumulate) and insert the KN back in when they need the
extra oomph.