

>Return-Path: <[email protected]>
>Comments: Authenticated sender is <[email protected]>
>From: [email protected]
>To: [email protected]
>Date:          Tue, 13 Aug 1996 17:23:26 +0000
>Subject:       V-8's
>X-Confirm-Reading-To: khensley
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>Hello, Paul!
>I really can't supply much info - but it seems the gasoline was 
>restricted to the Louisville, KY area - possibly the region around 
>it.   There are some small and also independent refineries out there 
>- sounds like they ran a batch of crappy crude.   I am wanting to say 
>I read about this in the BMW CCA Roundel.   Interesting they 
>mentioned the area, but not the gasoline.
>Also, given how there is some swapping among oil companies - it may 
>have been spread over several gasolines, not just one.
>Don't get me started about disappointments about warranties, etc.   
>I've had my share of engine problems in the 6-cylinders - but since 
>BMW "determined" I had gotten useful life out of my engines, why 
>should they help me?!   At 100,000 miles the car was just getting 
>broken in - the engine craps put due to THEIR problem - so I have a 
>car with no engine -  I have to buy another engine - no discounts - 
>Life goes on - I'm content - and there are no new BMWs in my drive 
>way.   :)
>...Kim Hensley - BMW CCA #16216
>Danville, VA