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[alfa] Alfa Youth vs. Mark Mosko
You've brought up an issue that I was going to deal with the president of the AROC, Mark Mosko. I haven't been very active as of late in the Alfa community because I am currently Alfa-less, but I am still a member of the AROC and read posts on the digest regularly. I read the column "From the President" in the new Alfa Owner magazine and your post on the digest and was outraged. In the column he talks about the possiblity of Alfa returning in 2010 and was wondering if it would be good for the club? He goes on to say "What kind of car owners have we become? Will we mix at all?"
How can the president of my beloved AROC say such a thing? Anyone who'll join the club will be an enthusist because you won't join a car club because you don't care for the car. Look at the BMW, Porsche or Mercedes clubs, they have a racing hertiage just like Alfa Romeo, but they also have current newer car members that enjoy they're cars as much as the members who own vintage models. Having new models and new blood in the Alfa world can only be to our advantage. With recognion of the Alfa Romeo brand name will come the after market vendors and allow all Alfa fans to customize, upgrade and repair their Alfas better. With new members comes new revenues and maybe we can get up to par with the auto club as far as resources and a decent magazine. These other car blubs are enjoying the benefits of large membership numbers and new models and parts why shouldn't the Alfa owners too?
Mark Mosko also says "I want to AROC become a vintage Alfa Romeo car club" Has anyone seen a vintage car club do as well as the BMW, Mercedes, Porsche, Rolls Royce or even the Nissan and Honda clubs? I like vintage cars as much as the next car enthusist, but I happen to like the newer cars too. The newer car and the next generation of Alfa owners are what's going to keep the AROCs around. The world changes and some people want to hold on to the old ways and don't believe in changes, but if Alfa kept those old believes of lets build a car to go fast and not worry about anything else than we probably would of seen the end of Alfa Romeo long time ago. Instead we got a beautiful new GTV and Spider, an award winning 156 that's the envy of all the other manufacturers and the 147 what else can I say?
Bottom line AROCs need new blood to inject energy and enthusium like Monty tried to do. Do punish us for liking newer Alfas because they're more reliable and can be a daily driver with ease. How about the trailer queens at the meets? Most vintage car owner won't drive the car nevermind race it. Without us the autocrossing and track time won't happen. I think they're just jealous that they can't drive or won't drive they're vintage cars on rainy and snowy days. But the funny thing is that most vintage Alfa owners own newer Alfas as daily drivers. Now if that isn't the pot calling the kettle black, I don't know what is? Case in point Mark Mosko wants a vintage club, but has a 164S and just bought 91 Spider for his wife. This guy is worst than any politican I've heard on trying to play on both sides of the fence!
Monty, screw them all we'll be here long after they've left the club, keep up the good fight!
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