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[alfa] Re: alfa-digest V9 #1074

My apologies, Ed, I misspoke myself. I didn't mean to imply that you were even an advertiser, I meant to reference you as one of those small vendors where the proprietors mean well, but don't always follow through, not as one who was dropped as an advertiser because they didn't pay. To my knowledge, you haven't been an advertiser for the magazine that I edit since I've been editor, and I don't know that you have EVER advertised with us. So once again, I apologize deeply for lumping you with Stebro and Sperry Valve works with regard to advertising. And to make myself perfectly clear here, Neither Stebro or Sperry owe any money to the magazine, they just didn't send in their renewals after promising that they would renew.

George Graves
'86 GTV-6

On Jan 12, 2004, at 6:25 AM, alfa-digest wrote:

Date: Sun, 11 Jan 2004 21:01:37 EST
From: [email protected]
Subject: [alfa] Alfa advertising - a correction

George Graves had written about Stebro in AD #1072

<<Well, his ad has been dropped from the magazine because he never paid and
we've stopped calling. Same with Sperry and Caribou.>>

Dear George,

I do not know what "magazine" you are referring to, but Caribou does not owe
any money for advertising to anyone. For you to imply so is simply completely

If you are referring to my ads no longer appearing in the Alfa Owner
magazine, I CHOOSE to stop advertising this past summer due to Caribou's upcoming move
and all advertising space was paid up by July, a MONTH after I stopped
advertising, according to the 30 days terms of the invoices. Now that things are
more "under control" here I plan to resume advertising with them (and thereby
supporting the club) this spring.

Best Wishes,

Ed at Caribou
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