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[alfa] Alfetta cutting out replies, gas tanks and paying for information

Perhaps I'm just going at lighting speed, but seems after I send in a
post to the Digest, I've moved on to another phase of the subject.

No, Richard, not meant as a complaint and no, I don't want to receive
the posts individually.

You who receive the Digest in one piece (as opposed to your puppy
bringing it to you in bits and pieces) will eventually receive a post
which I was optimistic I had found a solution to the cutting out

However, I've been corresponding with Jim Steck and he just dashed water
on my theory. So I'm about 40% optimistic, as opposed to 80% (in the
post you will eventually be receiving).

485 miles later (or possibly much sooner) I / we will know.


Felix, unfortunately you are 3rd in line for the 'inheritance'. I have
made the same comments as I do below more than several times on the
Digest - yes, I forget and don't read everything myself. I also didn't
list that I'd bought two new ignition control modules in addition to the
used one which was on the used MarelliPlex - nor that I always carried
one with me and have switched them around frequently, sometimes on the
side of the freeway - which was another suggestion.

If I'd seen even the slightest indication there was dirt in the radiator
- dark reddish fuel in the line from the gas tank or especially coming
from the inlet side of the fuel filter, the tank would have been removed
again and I would have included it in the list.

Felix Schmidt comments: "Peter, that was my thinking exactly--Biba, your
problem being at speed is
the key--things are plugging up and then settling back down after it
dies and rests for awhile. I have had cars that I changed 4 or 5 filters
on, finally gave up, dropped the tank, cleaned and re-sealed it and
problem solved. Peter, please throw a bone my way after Biba sends you
the check<s>...".

Last night I sent this to Rich Wagner:

Rich, thanks for the thought, but if you'd read the (okay, boring) labor
the first said: "Checked fuel vapor recovery valve. It was okay.
never got a whoosh from removing gas cap."

Sent this off yesterday: "...sorry, but about six years ago the gas tank
removed just to check and it was pristine. Since I've owned the car for
years and have made it a point not to drop water or dirt when filling
tank, suspect it's as pristine as it was six years ago."

I'll add that the car is almost always (99.9% of the time) parked inside
shop at night.

And prior to that response I'd sent this off to Peter Webb:

Peter, sorry, but about six years ago the gas tank was removed just to
check and it was pristine. Since I've owned the car for 27 years and
have made it a point not to drop water or dirt when filling the tank,
suspect it's as pristine as it was six years ago.

Trust me, if you had come up with a - duuuuh - you'd get the checks.


I had not included in the 'Engine rebuilding and maintenance abilities'
list that there was one stone unturned, which was to switch out the
ignition switch. It's always been in the back of my mind - especially
when the MarelliPlex cut out not long after installing it and Fred (in
no uncertain terms) said, "Replace the ignition switch - that's your
problem!" Shocking as this might sound, I'm almost as stubborn as Fred
was. Call me crazy, but when one's car has been extremely reliable and
you change a major component, that's where I'd start looking first.
Additionally, I'd had a starter relay installed in '85, I never have
more than one key (in addition to the starter key) dangling down, I
periodically squirt contact cleaner with silicone in the ignition key

Guys, I'm neither sloppy, nor stupid, but will admit I don't have all
the answers. Most times I do try to solve problems before I run to the


Not saying the Alfetta cutting out situation is out of the woods and
will be the first to say this Very Selfish and Very Ongoing crying in my
beer on the Digest has gotten very old for everyone.

Trust me, if what I hope is the solution is not, nor returning to the
Bosch unit solves the cutting out, you'll hear from me again and the
deal's the same.

Since none of the off-Digest emails mentioned that their mechanic
suggested...I'll send you one check in your name.

That said, you all missed the point. Jonathan Smithies implied I didn't
know my ass from a hole in the ground mechanically wise and I should let
Professionals do the mechanical work. Therefore I hoped the answers
would come back, "After showing my (Alfa) Professional Mechanic the list
of items you have bought and installed, he suggested...".

I've never been rich nor remotely close, but after buying my '75 Alfetta
GT in '78, I asked who was the most qualified Alfa Mechanic in So. Cal.
Dave Veghar's name came up frequently. I called and made an appointment
for two hours of his time. Probably spent more time than that, but paid
him two hours of his time before leaving.

I do believe in many cases information is valuable. If it is Extremely
valuable to the person asking it, pay the knowledgeable one giving the
information a reasonable fee - or at least offer to.

Irwindale, CA USA

Hope Jim Steck, among others, doesn't read this all the way to the end.
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