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Re: Alfa Digest compared to AROC

On Thu, 19 Sep 2002 15:12:12 -0400 "Watry, Andrew (LNG-MBC)" <[email protected]> wrote:

> Richard just mentioned that the Alfa Digest has in the range of 1700
> members.  I wonder how that compares to the membership of US AROC?  I
> think
> it's about double the membership of the Alfa club I'm in, ARA, which is
> not
> affiliated with AROC.  Any reports on AROC membership trends following
> the
> dues increase?

i honestly have no idea. i'm not even sure that the numbers are really
comparable in a useful way, because a club with dues is fundamentally a
different beast from a free internet mailing list.

Richard Welty                                         [email protected]
Averill Park Networking                                         518-573-7592
              Unix, Linux, IP Network Engineering, Security
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