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Re: alfa-digest V7 #941

In a message dated 8/5/99 1:43:02 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 
[email protected] writes:

<< a company which has supplanted workers with sophisticated machinery will
 make the remaining workers look very "productive", though their wages may
 be high, and the actual gain is in the machinery, not the workers.)

You could just as well say the new machinery is the mechanism by which the 
remaining workers become more productive.  After a while this is like 
counting angels on a pinhead.  The greatest productivity in the world isn't 
going to make a going business out of trying to peddle expensive goods to 
people who don't want them, and doing nothing to change the situation.  You 
can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.  The purpose of 
marketing (which many around here seem to think a dirty word) is to make the 
horse thirsty.



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