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Re: fan removal

[email protected] wrote:
> prior to removing the radiatior from my MKII stag it appears that I will have
> to remove the fan assembly.  However, due to the close space and the fact that
> it is attached to the crank shaft, I am finding it impossible to loosen the
> 15/16" bolt even with the car in gear and the parking brake set.  Any ideas-
> help would be greatly  appreciated.
> Still wondering if anyone knows the proper paint colors for the air filter and
> the valve covers
> thanks
> Harlan
> 73 MK II

It sounds like you are having trouble more because of the crank turning
than access to the bolt.

A typical way of doing this is to wedge a screwdriver or similar into
the flywheel teeth via the hole where the starter motor goes in. This
should prevent the crank from turning but be careful not to damage the
teeth on the flywheel.


	Dave Biggs                       
	Senior Design Engineer 	
	Fujitsu Telecommunications Europe Ltd, 
	Birmingham Business Park,Solihull Parkway, Birmingham, B37 7YU.
	mailto:[email protected]  tel: 0121 717 6094  efax: 0121 717 6014

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