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Reply: [ihc] stars

On Thu, 18 Nov 2004, John M. Adams wrote:

-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Grammer [mailto:[email protected]]

John, the 'u' word was not used. I wrote 'homely':

home7ly    ( P )  Pronunciation Key  (hml)
adj. home7li7er, home7li7est
Not attractive or good-looking: a homely child.
Lacking elegance or refinement: homely furniture.
Of a simple or unpretentious nature; plain: homely truths.

Speaking purely of the styling, my considered opinion(and I have a strong
fondness for the Loadstar) is that it's a slam dunk for #2 and #3, and a
reasonable contender for #1.

My mistake. I misread, and misspoke. Although "homely" and "ugly" *are*
synonyms in most dictionaries... but I'll take the "simple or unpretentious
nature" variant as your original intended meaning, and offer my apologies.
Reading between the lines, I get that you might even agree with me that the
loadstar is also "handsome", or "pleasing and dignified in form or
appearance". (even though that's a synonym for "attractive", and there we
begin to stray off the mark... ;)

I believe you both mean to say, "form follows function."

Ted Borck	[email protected]

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