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Re: [ihc] Scout II front end question

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Howard R Pletcher" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Friday, October 29, 2004 20:51
Subject: Re: [ihc] Scout II front end question

> The angle brackets for the inside shackles sound like the factory "sway
> bar" mounting arrangement that became standard on 1/1/74, but the angle
> iron between the shackles isn't the stock bar.  The stock bar was a flat
> piece of steel, 3/8" x 2 3/4".  Depending upon the size of your angle, it
> is likely stiffer than the stock bar.

He said the piece between the shackles is a stock bar, if I read it right.
He said the angle in place of the inner shackle pieces, with a bar between
the two.

> It is interesting to note that while this was advertised as a sway bar,
> the original intent of it was an anti-shimmy device.  During 1973, we had
> a problem with a batch of ball joints that did not have enough internal
> friction which permitted the knuckles to move too easily and under
> certain conditions, a sustained shimmy would be experienced.  This would
> stop only when the vehicle slowed drastically or stopped.  This shimmy
> was caused by a bump or other input causing one wheel to turn to one side
> side a small amount, the tie rod then pulling the other wheel, which in
> turn would cause in input to the first wheel, and a sort of harmonic
> oscillation would occur.  The bar between the shackles altered the
> natural frequency of the front end enough to get away from the sustained
> motion, but it sold better when it was called a sway bar.
> Howard

Yeah sway bar sounds a lot more like "hey, this is something we introduced
to help *you*" than "shimmy dampener" (which we have on many airplanes btw).

It was an option?   I was under the impression that they just made it
standard and issued a service bulletin to install it?

Or do you mean sold as in accepted?


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