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RE: [ihc] Dans t-all
I was only in the National Guard back in the early
70s. It was a different world then. But your
description pretty much fits the first seargents I
knew. That's what caused my comcmment.
Grouchy, prickly, ever unhappy at work. Didn't know
them off hours.
--- Mac McMuffin <[email protected]> wrote:
> ## >> OOPS!!!!
> ## >>
> ## >> My comment was meant to imply that I wasn't
> sure if
> ## >> that was the way to get along with the
> seargent at PT
> ## >> in the morning. He might be grouchy.
> ## >>
> ## >> Steve
> not just any Sergeant, Steve. FIRST Sergeant.
> that's three up and three
> down with a diamond in the middle. we call 'em Hard
> Stripers. every
> Battery and Company in the Army has a First
> Sergeant, answerable only to the
> Battalion and Brigade Command Sergeant Majors and
> Battery/Company,
> Battalion, and Brigade XOs and COs. he's the guy in
> charge of every other
> enlisted person in the basic unit formation
> (Company, Battery, whatever).
> even the lesser officers of a line unit (mostly
> second lieutenants), except
> for the Commander and Executive Officer, don't get
> in First Sergeant's way.
> if you want to talk to the XO or CO, you have to go
> through First Sergeant,
> and he's... cranky. throughout the Army the
> informal honorific title for
> First Sergeants is "Top" and a lot of 'em demand, or
> at the very least
> expect, to be given their full due, including being
> called "Top".
> i've met a few First Sergeants as we've gone along
> now. out of uniform,
> they're pretty good guys. most of 'em have
> twenty-plus years in the service
> and are either bucking for retirement or Sergeant
> Major school. *in*
> uniform, that's another story entirely. from what
> i've seen, the job
> requirements include a chip on the shoulder, nasty
> disposition,
> predisposition for yelling and swearing, and a
> penchant for surprise five or
> ten mile marches at five o'clock in the morning--in
> full kit. grouchy
> indeed.
> we got a new First Sergeant not very long ago, along
> with a new Battalion
> CSM. both of 'em seem like decent folks.
> interestingly enough, the new
> Battalion CSM used to be my Bride's Battery First
> Sergeant a few years back,
> and she's a pretty serious lady. the Brigade CSM
> runs ten miles every
> morning before morning PT. that man has issues.
> they do a lot more running
> in this Brigade now than they used to, because the
> Brigade CSM likes to lead
> the morning runs for individual Batteries a lot of
> the time and he likes to
> really *run*. consequently they have more foot
> injuries now (anybody
> remember what i said about my Bride's feet?), but...
> it's the New Army.
> of course, i managed to get compleatly off topic. i
> think Top would first
> turn red, then purple, then blow steam out of his
> ears if Becca showed up to
> PT with light-up shoes. he might even pop a few
> dozen blood vessels in his
> head and maybe have a coronary. this is probably
> not a good thing.
> probably. <grin>
> --Mac
> Take care and be well, all thee and thine;
> May the Hamr lend thee Strength and Courage,
> May the Twin Ravens lend thee Wisdom and Guidance,
> May the Wolves Guard and Protect thee, and
> May the Light of Harmony ever shine brightly upon
> thee and thine,
> Through all thy Life's Journeys, from this life unto
> the next!
> Hail the Gods and Goddesses of our Folk!
> Wassail!
> Krystof "Mac" MacBryghde
> TyrGothi
> http://master.triad.ath.cx/
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