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[ihc] Re: [offtopic] more debate fodder

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Renaud (Ron) Olgiati" <[email protected]>
To: "Ryan Moore" <[email protected]>
Sent: Sunday, October 10, 2004 16:56
Subject: Re: [offtopic] more debate fodder

> On Sunday 10 October 2004 18:34, Ryan Moore wrote:
> > > > That a stockpile exists at all should be more than enough reason.
> > > If that stockpile exists, why does your very own Irak Survey Group say
> > > it does not, and did not exist either at the start of the war ?
> > > Why does the Shrub now say it does/did not exist either ?
> > > Likewwise his pet poodle Bliar ?
> > Ron, when you can respect me and my country enough to use proper names
> > talk like an adult instead of a little kid who's upset that he can't
> > with his toy, I'll engage you in discussion.
> Ryan
> When your country is presided over by someone who is respectable, I'll be
> happy to respect him.

Then start respecting.  Saying that you won't respect someone until you
respect him is circular logic.  As far as I'm concerned, President Bush IS

> Until then, and as long as you offer to the whole world the sight of an
> amiable inarticulate retard, who seems able only to repeatedly bleat that
> "the World is a better place without Sadaam", who has caused the death of
> thousand US troops and many thousand others by starting a useless war, who
> has caused incalculable harm to your country in the whole world by making
> even more hated than it was before, I will lack all respect for him and
> supporters.

You know, for being hated, all the people I *PERSONALLY* know who have been
in Iraq say that the majority of the population love us and are glad we did
what we did.  Funny how uninvolved parties can't see what's actually
happening, huh?

A useless war?  Last I checked, those we were fighting were fighting us
before the Iraqi invasion and expressed goals of destroying us.  I'd much
rather the fighting be over there than here.

> And I will go on despising those who continue spreading the lies about the
> supposed stockpiles of WMDs that were such a threat to the whole world,
> put them in the same category as those who deny the killing of the Jews by
> Germany during the WW II.

If you despise the lies, why do you keep believing them?

> BTW, now that both your President and the British Prime Minister have
> publickly confessed there were no WMDs stockpiles, who are you to
> them ? Is that showing proper respect for your President ?

I already explained this.  They didn't find what they *wanted* to.  That
does not mean they didn't find anything.   I thought your English was good
enough to catch this stuff.  They didn't confess that there were no WMDs,
they said they didn't find the stockpiles they were looking for.  Saying
that what they found wasn't what they wanted to find does *NOT* equate to
not finding anything at all.

I can't fully equate this to you not paying attention though, since I expect
that you at least heard about the WMDs that failed to work against American
troops.  Especially since I just mentioned it in a previous post.

> > Until then, at least learn how to spell.
> What did I mis-spell ? If you refer to Bliar, I copied that name as it was
> written on a poster in the UK; they should know.
> Cheers,
> Ron.

Iraq.  I-R-A-Q      not: Irak  I-R-A-K

Likewise  L-I-K-E-W-I-S-E     not:  Likewwise  L-I-K-E-W-W-I-S-E

I'm not even going to start on the GRAMMAR in the post that I'm responding
to *NOW*.

Thank you,

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