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RE: [ihc] About those parking brakes .....

They'll never give up the visual inspections.  They're
having too much fun.  And that's really what's going
on.  Driving an old car vs the environmental cost of
building a new one is a no-brainer from an
environmental point.  They're just power drunk. 
Absolute power corrupts, absolutely.   Who said that?

Sure sounds like the old Soviet Union to me.

--- Peter  Shubin <[email protected]> wrote:

> I don't think the visual inspections went away in
> California and unless they
> changed the law any vehicle, even the smog exempt
> ones, can be called for a
> smog test including the full visual inspection.  I
> had it happen to a '64
> Bug I had a few years ago.  Found out after the
> whole ordeal with the State
> that any do-gooder can report a car that is
> polluting "too much" and call in
> the license plate number to the State and then they
> come after you.  I tried
> the number tonight and it still connects you to the
> South Coast Air Quality
> Management District.
> All I can say is that modified cars, women, and a
> sore loser's knowledge of
> the smog laws here caused me a lot of grief.
> I feel the need to correct your statement regarding
> the out of state fees.
> To my recollection California never said they were
> "wrong" to charge the
> fees.  The courts ruled the fees unconstitutional
> and ordered the State to
> pay the fees back to the public.  There is a big
> difference.  Our dear
> Legislature would never see a tax on a few to
> "benefit" the many as wrong.
> Someone else mentioned the mileage driven argument
> as to why their Scout
> would not pollute as much as 122 or so of today's
> SUV's.  You need to be
> sent to reeducation camp.  Many years ago I went to
> reeducation camp, sorry,
> I intended to write graduate school, at Cal Poly
> Pomona.  Every year my
> illustrious professors in the College of
> Environmental Design would invite
> one or two of the numerous alumni who worked at the
> SCAQMD to come and talk
> to the College about suburban sprawl, transportation
> planning, smog, and how
> we all had to learn to take the train (the biggest
> irony of the whole thing
> is that the SCAQMD office building sits on top of a
> hill in suburbia with
> only one steep street for access so you must drive
> to get there).  One of
> the arguments they had against old cars is that they
> were pollution machines
> even when sitting still.  The argument is that since
> gasoline evaporates the
> older cars release pollutants from gas tanks,
> carburetors, open element air
> filters, etc. even when they are not running and as
> a result they need to be
> destroyed.  This was around the time that the SCAQMD
> would buy your old car
> for $600, crush it for you to get it off the road,
> and sell pollution
> credits to industrial polluters to cover the money
> they gave to you for your
> car.
> I'm not a scientist and neither were the people who
> I came in contact with
> at the SCAQMD.  I don't know if their statements
> were true but I know that
> it didn't matter.  They "felt" it was important to
> get the old cars off the
> road so it was important to get the old cars off the
> road.  They had the
> influence and the public funding to shape the agenda
> on the issue.  The
> State is on the verge of becoming non compliant
> again or already is non
> compliant again with the requirements of the Federal
> Clean Air Act so the
> State must take steps to fix the problem or else
> risk losing lots of Federal
> highway funds.  This is how the push to rescind the
> rolling 30 year
> exemption started and more attacks on older vehicles
> are yet to come.  I
> would not bet money that my two currently SMOG
> exempt Scouts will be exempt
> in 2007.
> -----Original Message-----
> Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2004 18:35:47 -0600
> From: "Mac McMuffin" <[email protected]>
> Subject: RE: [ihc] About those parking brakes .....
> so are you saying that they can't do those visual
> inspections anymore?  i
> remember them saying the out of state fees were
> wrong and they couldn't do
> that anymore, but i hadn't heard anything about the
> emissions visual
> inspections part.

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