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RE: [ihc] Kyoticizing the Scout

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]On Behalf Of Jim
> Grammer
> Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2004 5:08 PM
> To: Tom Harais; [email protected]
> Subject: RE: [ihc] Kyoticizing the Scout
> Without any scientific basis at all, I am convinced that whatever 'bad'
> stuff comes out the tailpipe of whatever hunk-o-IH-junk I happen to be
> driving, it is far less that the 'bad' stuff released into the atmosphere
> during the manufacture of a new automobile from raw material to finished
> good. Further, I strongly suspect that the current
> look-at-me-ain't-I-Green
> hybrids are far *worse* in this regard due to the batteries involved. I
> would love to see some real statistics, but it's not in any $bux$-up
> organization's interest to produce same.
> Jim

Dr. Bill Wattenburg used to talk about this on his KGO talk show. When I
still lived there, I used to listen to him a lot, and on more than one
occasion I heard him describe the amount of energy used, and the amount of
pollution generated in order to create the batteries used in hybrid
vehicles, and new batteries in general. According to him, it is at best a
break-even technology, if not a losing one. I wish I could remember the
specifics, but there *is*, apparently, scientific data that supports what
you are saying. Perhaps there's something on it at one of his websites. He's
associated with http:\\www.pushback.com, and also has some stuff at
http://www.kgoam810.com/djadditionalinformation.asp?djid=3552. I don't think
either has a search engine, so you would have to "poke around". Or you could
write to him, via either of the two sites. He's responded quickly and
courteously to a few questions of mine in the past.

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