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RE: [ihc] RE: Licensing

I don't think there would be a problem.  I just want permission to race you
down the dirt road.  I bet my 360 would give you a run for your money.


-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Mandera [mailto:[email protected]] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2004 4:12 PM
To: Peter Shubin
Cc: 'Ryan Moore'; 'Mac McMuffin'; [email protected]; 'John Hofstetter'
Subject: Re: [ihc] RE: Licensing

Maybe next week I'll rant about the neighbors (that I suspect turned me 
in) trespassing on my property and making a make-shift "driveway" 
through my field.. or the same neighbors' son roaring up and down their 
property and along my private road on his obnoxious ATV and kicking up 
dust.. to which my "equal force" response is to act in a like manner 
(racing up and down my property and my private road) in my open-headered 
race Scout.

When I'm feeling nice, I use the mufflers.. when I'm not feeling so 
nice, I leave it uncorked.


In hindsight, Pete.. you're probably right about not wanting me for a 
neighbor. ;)  Unless, of course, we got along. :D



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