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Re: [ihc] RE: Parking lots? Yeah, right...

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tom Harais" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2004 09:58
Subject: RE: [ihc] RE: Parking lots? Yeah, right...

> Greg:

> I attend many local planning and design review meetings.  I find myself
> saying under my breath very often, "If John Q. Public only KNEW what was
> being discussed at these meetings".  Of course, even though these are
> meetings by law, only a few gadflys show up and they are as bad as the
> planners themselves.  I end up feeling like a lone cowboy working in
> government and expecting to operate it like and efficient business.  I've
> made a few enemies too!  But every once in a while, I find a like minded
> individual at some other governmental agency, usually someone with years
> private industry background like myself.  We have a good laugh together
> I realize I'm not completely alone.
> Tom H., '76 Traveler

You could always take a tape recorder with you, get any juicy tidbits and
coincidentally a local news station happens to get a copy?  ;)

They *are* public after all.


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