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Re: [ihc] Max sustained winds to drive in?

Interesting science study here. If you are in a Scout doing 50 MPH,
heading into a sustained 50 MPH wind, what would your effective speed
be, and how far would you actually go?
   Plus, factor in the air drag of a large brick, aka the shape of the
Scout, and I would imagine your effective speed is reduced even more.
Could you effectively reduce it to a negative number? What would happen
if you had a knob on the dash to increase or decrease the drag of the
Scout? What if you had a knob to reduce/increase PI? (Wait, that is
another conversation?)
On Sun, 2004-09-12 at 19:38, Ryan Moore wrote:
> What is the max sustained winds I should be willing to drive the diesel in?
> (I'm specifying this truck becuase wheelbase is important).
> Truck is a traveler with a 3" body lift and 30" tires.
> Just looking for opinions.  Looks like the remnants of Ivan will be right
> between me and where I need to go this coming weekend.  I'm wanting to go
> ahead and set down what the max sustained winds will have to be down to for
> me to attempt the trip.
> I already have a general idea, but want some opinions from the more
> "experienced" members of the list.   I've driven in some high winds before
> (and some pretty nice popup severe storms), but tropical systems tend to be
> a bit *bigger* and the whole trip could be in the weather  (I will not need
> to get any fuel from now through coming back if I do go down, so stopping
> for fuel will not be neccessary).
> I also have some places along the way I could stop if I needed to (other
> than towns or rest areas).  (for those of you who are unfamiliar with the
> trip I take, from near Nashville to Chatanooga, then south to Atlanta (well,
> south of there a little ways).
> And before anyone goes "don't drive in anything you aren't comfortable in,"
> it's not needed, I know what I'm not comfortable in, I just want to know
> what *others* are comfortable driving in to note whether I might want to
> lower my standards a bit...
> I'm also going to take a close look at what type of severe weather (tornados
> etc) the storm looks to be producing before I make a final decision.
> Thanks,
> Ryan
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