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[ihc] Field Report: Permatex Stripper

   Since Hoffs has not been doing his job as Chief 'suckered in by the
advertising and had to try it ' test guy, I did my part for the Digest
and bought the Permatex Silicon Gasket Stripper.
   This claims to remove the residue left over from any of their silicon
products, including, The Right Stuff. 
   After you remove the majority of the material with a scrapper, you
apply this to the gasket material and let it set for 5 minutes or more.
Then you come back and wipe it all off with a rag.
   It didn't completely clean off the The Right Stuff from my valve
covers. What it did do was clean off the small residue, but; the larger
pieces it softened up and they came off much easier with a scrapper.
   What I think would make this work is if, it came in a jar with a
application brush. I didn't put a good coating on the silicon out of the
tube, because it is kinda loose, liquidy that is, and I was afraid to
have it all over. So, I don't think I got enough of the Stripper on all
the material to be stripped. I think, now that I've used it, if I put it
on heavy enough, it would work, but; you couldn't be afraid of using it.
    It wouldn't be worth buying just for silicon, gasoline works good on
that, but; The Right Stuff is a muther and would require this stuff.
Even if it just softened it up for you.
Dan Nees
[email protected]

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