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Re: [ihc] Toasted Scout


Was it running when it burned?  Any idea?

The wiring it total.  But I think it could be
ressurected.  The body looks good in the pix.  I take
it the instrument panel was totaled by the fire too?

--- "John M. Adams" <[email protected]> wrote:

> I finally got the new Scout hauled home, the one
> with the T-19 that I had
> asked about. It still has brakes (even if no power
> assist), so I was able to
> get it with just a tow strap, and a friend. Except
> for under the hood, where
> the fire did some fairly dramatic damage, and the
> hood itself, where the
> firemen did their thing, it's actually in pretty
> good shape. Well, and the
> dash and instruments are gone... and a little rust
> in the rear wells and
> driver's side floor, and... Anyway, it's pretty
> "straight" otherwise.
> Apparently, it only had about 55K miles, and
> "grandma took good care of it".
> In case anyone wants or needs a reminder of how a
> fire can truly harsh your
> mellow, ruin your day, and crimp your bank account,
> I posted some pictures
> here:
> http://home.bresnan.net/~j.adams/IH/
> They're the ones named "fire01, fire02", etc. My
> favorite blob is the "I
> used to be a coolant reservoir" blob. The "I used to
> be a battery" blob and
> the "I used to be a distributor cap" blob are pretty
> impressive, too.
> I've promised all my other vehicles routine fire
> safety checks starting
> immediately. This one as well, someday...
> John A.

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