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Re: [ihc] RE: David's decarbonisation

The ATF/mineral spirits will remove the carbon. You
pour just fast enough to almost kill the engine, but
not quite.  Then let it set for 10/15 min and start it
up.  Hopefully your plugs are not wet enough to
prevent a start.  Lots of smoke and carbon coming out.

I've used this to stop "ping", temporarily.  It isn't
permanenet.  You have to find out why the buildup is
there and stop that. I've had a couple engines that
did this and never did figure out why they built the
carbon so fast.  Maybe I was getting bad fuel, no


--- David Bongo <[email protected]> wrote:

> On Thu, 19 Aug 2004 22:28:37 -0700 (PDT), Steven
> Stegmann
> <[email protected]> wrote:
> > The combustion chamber deposits can cause hot
> spots
> > that are actually glowing.  When a fresh charge
> comes
> > into the cylinder, this ignites it ahead of time,
> > usually shows up as pinging.
> > 
> Just out of curiosity, is there any way to check for
> that without
> disassemling the whole engine? It sounds to me that
> most (if not all)
> of the people on list feel that I have piston slap. 
> causing the dieseling, and that COULD lead to
> pinging.  If the
> ATF/Mineral Spirits trick doesn't work, would
> anything else work for
> cleaning it?  Also, should I pour the stuff down the
> carb when the
> engine is hot or cold or it doesn't matter?
> Thanks.
> Dave

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