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RE: Lawmakers, was [ihc] diesel trucks

Try State Farm.  I've had all my stuff insured with
them for 30 years.  Never a question about an old

They didn't want to put historical insurance on the
Scout after inspecting the thing in its present
condition.  Regular road insurance?? No Problem!!

I got the same response from the agent here in
Annapolis, no problem.


--- Mac McMuffin <[email protected]> wrote:

> ## >> That's what it takes, I think. Regular folks
> getting mad, and
> ## >> active, and
> ## >> very vocal. In the months and years ahead,
> we'll be needing
> ## >> to do more and
> ## >> more of that to keep our rigs on the road, and
> to be able to
> ## >> continue taking
> ## >> them off-road. Our trucks are "too heavy" and
> "not fuel
> ## >> efficient", etc.
> ## >> etc... The lawmakers have already started, and
> things will
> ## >> get worse. We
> ## >> will all need to yell, and loud.
> ## >>
> ## >> John A.
> ## >> ---
> boy you ain't kidding.  my TravelAll 1110 4x4 is
> currently off the road
> right now...  not because it doesn't run, not
> because there is anything
> wrong with it (there is, but that's not why it's not
> on the road)...  but
> because i can't get it insured.  when we bought the
> new car (Plymouth Neon,
> actually a nice little car), we had insurance for
> the TravelAll and the
> Scout 800A, plus the Scout 800 which we traded in on
> the Neon.  it was
> moderately inexpensive (maybe a hundred bucks a
> month for all three trucks).
> but that company wanted to nearly triple our rates
> for compleat
> comprehensive on the new car along with the basic
> legal requirements for the
> two remaining trucks.  what the heck is THAT about?
> so we switched to Progressive, who gave us a very
> reasonable rate for the
> new car and the 800A, and when we got the policy,
> for the TravelAll too.
> but they won't insure the TravelAll at all as a
> private consumer vehicle,
> which we found out nearly a month after switching. 
> one of their
> underwriters called us and told us they would not
> write a policy for that
> truck, it's too old, too big, too whatever, and they
> can't quantify the
> risks it poses (their words, not mine).  if i want
> it insured through
> Progressive, it has to be a business-related
> commercial insurance policy or
> nothing at all.  which ticks me off to no end.  that
> rate will be the same
> as the rate for the Scout and Neon combined, for
> basic legal requirements.
> if we insure just the Neon alone, the rate is higher
> than the combination of
> Neon and Scout (the multicar discount is more than
> the Scout's premium,
> figure THAT one out).  when we moved out here from
> CA, our CA-based
> insurance company told us they could not insure
> Texas residents, so we had
> to switch.  *that* pissed me off too.  i actually
> like Progressive, but i
> don't like not being able to insure the TravelAll
> through them.
> who do i yell and scream about this to?  if i did
> yell and scream, would it
> make any difference?  if there's a reasonably priced
> insurance company that
> insures in Texas that any of you folks know about,
> i'd sure like to hear
> about it.  i want to get all three insured again so
> i can drive my truck
> this winter.  the Scout has lots of missing glass
> and is *miserable* driving
> the kids to school in the rain.  i'd take the car
> for that, but then that
> would mean Becca has to drive the Scout to duty, and
> i dare not repeat in
> polite company the words her Platoon Sergeant (much
> less the First Sergeant)
> will use on her for showing up to formation in a wet
> or wrinkled uniform,
> nevermind if her boots are scuffed in the *least*
> (yes i know, their
> priorities are *really* screwed up, but not much i
> can do about that).  she
> doesn't need the disciplinary counseling statement
> and i don't need the
> headache.
> anyway, if anybody can recommend a good insurance
> company with reasonable
> rates that insures in Texas, i'd like to know about
> them.  right now we're
> paying $118 a month for the two cars with two
> drivers, which includes
> compleat comprehensive and every possible additional
> coverage on the Neon
> (roadside assistance, interim rental car during
> repairs after an accident,
> etc), and the basic legal requirements on the Scout.
> thanks again for listening to me ramble on.
> --Mac
> P.S.:  incidentally, i found a company that will
> insure the B182 as a
> "classic truck" for less than eighty bucks a year. 
> that ain't bad, but it
> means i can't use it as a "working truck", which is
> okay by me for the
> moment.  at least i can drive it (get it home and
> onto the base legally),
> and that's what matters to me.  take it for a spin
> and exercise it
> occasionally (or even relatively frequently), which
> is expressly allowed
> under the policy for the truck type.  now i wonder
> if it'll pass Texas
> Inspection...  guess i'll find out when i get it
> home.
> Take care and be well, all thee and thine;
> May the Hamr lend thee Strength and Courage,
> May the Twin Ravens lend thee Wisdom and Guidance,
> May the Wolves Guard and Protect thee, and
> May the Light of Harmony ever shine brightly upon
> thee and thine,
> Through all thy Life's Journeys, from this life unto
> the next!
> Hail the Gods and Goddesses of our Folk!
> Wassail!
> Krystof "Mac" MacBryghde
> TyrGothi
> http://master.triad.ath.cx/
> ---
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