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Re: [ihc] Proper Replying Format Help Needed

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ted Borck" <[email protected]>
To: "Jay W. George" <[email protected]>
Cc: <[email protected]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 10, 2004 11:44
Subject: Re: [ihc] Proper Replying Format Help Needed

> On Mon, 9 Aug 2004, Jay W. George wrote:
> > I have noticed that when digesters reply to another message in the
> > that it is son neat and tidy.
> > Ex: Where the reply includes the original message in a nice format.
> > Is there a trick to this?
> > I always cut-n-paste the original message and it looks like poopy.
> > What's the secret?
> <snip>
> Jay:
> I am not a MicroSoft basher (I use MicroSoft software a lot as my office
> is a Win 2000 shop).  Besides, as others on this list have heard me
> comment before, "all computer operating systems suck!"
> Your problem may be you're using Microsoft Outlook Express as your email
> reader.
>    [excerpt from "Jay W. George" <[email protected]> email header]
>    Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
>    Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>    X-Mailer: *Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1409*
> Sometimes the "no bells, no whistles" low end M$ applications allow you to
> read and write some, but not edit as you would like.  They gotta do
> something to get you to spend more money to upgrade their products.
> Perhaps an upgrade to Windows Outlook (or another email reader) may be in
> order.
> If you're not constrained by having to use a MicroSoft email reader, there
> are some good freeware readers out there, like Eudora.  Others in the IHC
> mailist may have other freeware email reader suggestions.
> The main rule in mailists, like ihc, is to "<snip>" excess verbage.
> Even Ryan does it.

Ryan also uses Outlook express with no problems.

Do you get it in digest or real time format?  I get realtime so it's like
replying to a normal e-mail.  I hit "reply all" and then cut out what I
don't want.  Original message is quoted automatically.

If you are confused about outlook and hotmail.   I have Outlook Express send
and retrieve my hotmail and mtsu.edu e-mail accounts (the MTSU account is an
IMAP server is why I mention it).  I also check e-mail using the more
mundane protocols for some other e-mail addresses.  Hotmail with outlook is
actually quite nice.  I can read e-mail offline (although I'm always
connected so it's only an issue when the server is hiccuping), but I can
also check it remotely quite easily.   And since I'm using outlook express,
I can move e-mail messages directly from hotmail to folders on my computer
so I don't hit the account limit wall (which is supposed to increase to 10mb
soon anyway).

> And mac is the only one who gets away with a 22 line signature.
> Hope this helps.



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