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RE: [ihc] RE: Caligasification and ethanol gas.

Ethanol is subsidized or something here in Iowa, maybe there are just
less taxes on it but the end result is that 10% ethanol is a penny
cheaper per gallon. One point better octane too. I run it in everything
with no problems.  I've been chastised by the small engine guys for
running it in the lawnmower, skid steer, and chainsaw and by my father
for using it in his Super M.  When I think of it, I buy the normal
unleaded for the small engines now.  I've never had a problem with
stored gas, but then it never sits for more than a month in a gas can. I
can usually go a couple months without burning a thankful in my 800
though.  I'm ashamed to say that it doesn't get driven a lot lately.    

At work we are resurrecting a motor home that has set for almost 3 years
and have had no trouble with the old gas.   

I remember when Gasohol showed up when I was still in middle school or
so. Everybody was scared of it ruining their fuel lines and plugging up
their carbs by breaking everything loose.  Some claimed that it
happened, I think they were looking for an excuse or somebody to sue.
Gasohol was higher than 10% though I think. 


Ed Sohm
Battle Creek, IA 

'71 800 B
'74 200 4X4 Travelette Camper Special
+ a bunch more

-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of
Jim Grammer
Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 2004 10:49 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: [ihc] RE: Caligasification

>Date: Mon, 16 Aug 2004 18:26:42 -0700
>From: John Hofstetter <[email protected]>
>Subject: Re: [ihc] Octane selection

>On Aug 16, 2004, at 11:51 AM, Steven Stegmann wrote:

>> John,
>> I keep hearing that gas won't keep but practice just
>> doesn't bear it out.  Today's gasoline is so much
>> cleaner that the gunk we used to get...

>Well, Steve, that may be gasoline in Missouri, or even in Maryland, but
>that is not gas in California. Our gas starts to smell bad in a mower
>tank in a couple of weeks, and if left in the mower carb, it will gum
>it up to the point of requiring disassembly in order to get the mower
>back to running again.

>Gas in a small gas can gets a bad smell, turns color, and deposits gum
>on the inner walls of the can. Personally, I use a lot of Stabil gas
>stabilizer because it's not always convenient to empty everything
>before we leave for the winter.

Hofs is absolutely right. Winter gas is worse than summer gas, but it
sucks in CA. Makes a carb need a rebuild annually without fail, even in
regularly driven vehicle. It'll be interesting to see if our new ethanol
substitute for MTBE gives any different long term results, but I'm not
holding my breath.

Interestingly, the varnish is slow to dissolve in Berryman's carb dip,
spray brake cleaner cuts right through it.

Old gasoline is for starting BBQ fires, at least that's what I use to
the IH-BQ. Very impressive initial flare, I keep expecting CDF to come
across the highway to investigate :)


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