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[ihc] RE: David's decarbonisation

>Date: Mon, 16 Aug 2004 21:01:27 -0400
>From: David Bongo <[email protected]>
>Subject: Re: [ihc] Octane selection

>I've been wimping out on Hofs'
>suggestion from a year ago of pouring a cup of ATF down the carb to
>clean out the cylinders.  Just seems....wrong.  Maybe not
>mechanically, but morally.

David, I grant you full moral authority to pour stuff down the carb. Does
that help? ;)

Back in the day, a tune up at a good shop included pouring a can of
'combustion chamber cleaner' down the carb as quickly as possible without
killing the engine. Said cleaner was a witches brew of aromatic solvents,
and produced great gouts of satisfying white smoke out the tailpipe. Very
impressive :)

I use mineral spirits in place of ATF or SeaFoam. Fill a mustard bottle(with
the dispenser nozzle) and trickle it in as rapidly as you can.


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