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Re: [ihc] diesel trucks

John,  Greg,

In San Francisco they've passed a law that you can't
"own" a pet.  You can just be the caregiver...  SF
really really really needs to restrict the time its
government is in session.

They also have a "no touch" policy in the schools.  No
human being can touch another one for any reason. 
Think about that one.  And, they seem to be serious
about it.

Last time in CA I was looking at a milk carton while
eating some flakes at my brother's house.  One whole
side of the carton explained in great seriousness how
happy and well taken care of their cows were.  They
were doing appropriate cow behaviors and interacting
with each other...  It was pretty wierd.  And it was
not intended as a joke, it was pretty serious.

 I think maybe the governator is right, the govt
should be in session for just long enough to do some
real work if they spend their time doing this kind of

--- John Hofstetter <[email protected]> wrote:

> On Aug 16, 2004, at 11:28 AM, Greg Hermann wrote:
> > How 'bout we just pass a law making being a
> thoughtless a$$hole a 
> > capital
> > offence ?? (Cops go first, though !!)
> >
> > Greg
> >
> Hey, Greg, the cops didn't pass the stupid law.
> Wouldn't it be fair to 
> have the law givers go first?
> John, from California where the cops are no match in
> the stupidity 
> department for the law makers.
> John Hofstetter
> Ol' Saline
> www.goldrush.com/~hofs

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