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[ihc] Re: H-542 on ebay

I saw that one on Sunday, and posted about it to several military vehicle
lists and here, but for some reason it never posted here.  It is an
H-542-11 (gas tank filler neck gives it away), or what the military folks
called the M426.  I suspect that the Army Air Corp got them, and then
they were given over to the Air Force when they were subsumed in 1947. 
That would jibe with what the book says.  I believe the Navy used them
too.  There was a movied that came out recently, named 'Hiroshima' I
believe, that detailed the events leading up to the surrender of Japan
and the failed coup.  There is a brief snippet of old footage showing Fat
Man being loaded out on one of the islands, and it is being moved by what
looks to be the same H-542 truck.  (Buy this one, and tell folks you own
the truck that helped win the war.) Compared to others I have seen, this
looks to be in pretty good shape.  According to an MV fellow that sent me
an e-mail, it was part of a group of trucks that have just sat for years
and years, while the owner has been arguing with the state about his
right to build or operate on a certain piece of land.  Evidently he gave
up, and is selling off everything.  It would be a shame to see it
crushed, or to see it parted.  On a different note, what is it with old
military trucks and yellow paint anyway?  Every time I see one, it has
been dunked in yellow road paint.  Did they just give it away on street

Date: Tue, 27 Jul 2004 22:08:09 -0700
From: J Grammer <[email protected]>
Subject: [ihc] H-542 on ebay
An exceptionally rare IH. The 1941 date isn't right, since according to
Grey Bible the model wasn't introduced until '44. I'm also skeptical
the claimed USAF provenance, most units look to have gone to the Army.
gin pole rig and headache rack are pure Oklahoma/Texas oil field issue,
I s'pect it's had a hard life. Still, all in all, it's super rare, and a 
convertible to boot! ;)

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