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Re: [ihc] White in or out

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "mark stegmann" <[email protected]>
To: "IHdigest" <[email protected]>
Sent: Saturday, June 12, 2004 00:16
Subject: Re: [ihc] White in or out

> Ryan, show me a spray paint(other than maybe an
> expensive flexible bumper coating) that will stay on
> the rubber, and hold up over time, without needing to
> be touched up periodically.
> Mark

Discount Auto Parts' flat black worked great for me....  ;)

Didn't say it'd stay *shiny* or anything.

The scout got its current tires (about due for new somewhat soon now) back
when I started working on it.  Back then, I wasn't worried so much about
looks or anything (like I am now? ha!).  Anyway, the white side went out,
but I never got around to washing the blue off for a little bit (after all,
I was still working on it!).  By then, it was firmly backed on, so out came
the flat black paint to make it at look alright.  Worked pretty good

Ok, by now I think you can tell it's the white side, but still doesn't look
all that bad (it's getting close to 40k miles on them and a lot of years...
before I got on the digest anyway), it's never been touched since that first
time.   Besides which, Allan's tires are already old and are probobly going
to need to be replaced before the paint would!


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