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Re: [ihc] Cooling fans...

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John Hofstetter" <[email protected]>
To: "Ryan Moore" <[email protected]>
Cc: "ihc-digest" <[email protected]>
Sent: Saturday, June 05, 2004 12:18
Subject: Re: [ihc] Cooling fans...

> On Jun 4, 2004, at 7:16 PM, Ryan Moore wrote:
> > I'm considering some washers if it comes to it, but I'd really rather
> > not
> > use extra washers to make it work with this component...
> >
> > Opinions?
> >
> > -Ryan
> Well, it's afternoon back there, so you've probably resolved your
> problem one way or another. But here's my opinion anyway.
> Don't use washers. The bolts you need should be relatively easy to
> find. Grade 5 is fine. Big hardware store or good auto parts store.
> Probably more likely in this case that the hardware store would have
> them.
> John Hofstetter

Define "relatively easy."

The original had lock washers so I bought new ones of those, as well as four
flat washers too.

Believe me, I tried everywhere.  Original was grade 8, so I went with that,
but *no one* had the spec'd hardware in grade 5 either.    It was 3/8" by
5/8" long.  No one had 5/8" long.  Closest I could get was 3/4".   The flat
washers weren't that thick , but I wasn't comfortable that I wouldn't bottom
out without them (I was wondering if they would bottom out even with the
washers, and the bolts very well may be touching the bottom).  The older
bolts I removed were actually too long to even be used either (longer than
the bolts I did find too).

If I'd reused the old fan it would have been ok with the new bolts, but the
new fan has a thinner metal for the fan than the older one does

I went with 1" long to bolt the clutch to the pump... that part went fine
and was slightly longer than the ones I pulled out (and the only one I could
get close to those too!).  I wanted to replace all of those bolts because of
the damaged one.

I put a dab of RTV Blue on all the threads to help keep them from backing
out on me.

Will I be ok with the flat washers there?  That literally was the *only*
thing I could do with it.  As it is right now there is the small flat washer
and the lock washer on top of that with the dab of RTV on the threads.
Havn't started it up yet, wanted to let the RTV take a little bit of a set
before doing anything, it's been about 2 hours I guess.


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