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Re: [ihc] German translation?
do not kvnnen they me help I there straight one I tow truck model 1510 EIGHT
from the year 1971 construct themselves and it here in Germany parts f|r
this car give try I it with you. Perhaps you have an address where I parts
order can there I still more benvtige as, Fronscheibe, T|rgriffe and chrome
parts I have in the InterNet a dhnliches car to seen perhaps know you such a
model still a few pictures the bright car see here my dhnlich more |ber
answer a w|rde I much to be pleased. Many thank you and Gr|_e to your father
[end translation]
That's all I can get translated by the automated thing... I think part of
the problem is that some of the German letters did not come across correctly
on the digest.
Sounds like he's having problems finding parts and is asking for help.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Allan W." <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2004 00:26
Subject: [ihc] German translation?
> Anyone on here able to translate German? I received the following message
> from a gentleman in
> Germany (along with several photos of IHC trucks) but despite my last
> I don't know
> any more German than I picked up watching reruns of Hogan's Heros!
> The message:
> Hallo,
> kvnnen sie mir helfen da ich mir gerade einen ICH Abschleppwagen Modell
> EIGHT aus dem Jahr 1971 aufbaue und es hier in Deutschland keine Teile f|r
> dieses Auto gibt versuche ich es bei Ihnen. Vielleicht haben Sie eine
> Adresse wo ich Teile bestellen kann da ich noch mehr benvtige wie,
> Fronscheibe, T|rgriffe und Chromteile ich habe im Internet ein dhnliches
> Auto gesehen vielleicht kennen Sie so ein Modell hier noch ein paar Bilder
> das helle Auto sieht meinem dhnlich |ber ein Antwort w|rde ich mich sehr
> freuen.
> Vielen Vielen Dank und Gr|_e an Ihren Vater
> <name deleted>
> In any case, the pics include a nice ~71 Travelette and a rough looking
> with a
> Holmes wrecker setup on the back. It looks like he is restoring the 1510.
> Allan W.
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