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Re: [ihc] RE: 6 lug to 8 lug

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Greg Hermann" <[email protected]>
To: "Ryan Moore" <[email protected]>; "Jim or Ginger Aos"
<[email protected]>; "Jim Grammer" <[email protected]>;
<[email protected]>
Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2004 08:50
Subject: Re: [ihc] RE: 6 lug to 8 lug

> At 1:59 AM 5/20/04, Ryan Moore wrote:
> >
> >My CTS-2300 (think '65-75, 1000-1510, incl. 100-500) lists an FA 52, as
> >as other axles (including a coleman), but no FA 58.  Does list an FA 54
> >though...
> >
> >-Ryan
> >
> And the fact that the 57 and 58 were 1600 stuff explains why they aren't
> that book !
> Greg

Sorry, I left out a section because I didn't think it applied.  Here's
exactly what it says.

D-Line, 1010-1510, Motor Home, Metro, Loadstar and Cargostar Model Trucks,
100,200, 500 series.

The FA-57 is in there, but it is a Coleman axle with a lube cap of 13 pints.
The FA-59 shares the FA-57 lube cap.  The FA-140 is also listed, with a lube
cap of 14 pints.   These are monster axles.  They show the differential
being removed from the carrier with a lift (crane or winch or something).
The differential bearing cap is bigger than the guy's arm in the picture...

FA-58 is not included anywhere.   Might be from a different year.  From what
I can tell the mediu duty section starts in 1965 and continues until '75
with the 500 series.


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