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Re: [OLDIHC:] Re: [ihc] The truck that shouldn'a been bought. Or, B130 parts, anyone?

At 7:21 PM 5/12/04, David Raistrick wrote:
>On Wed, 12 May 2004, David Raistrick wrote:
>> Now, to figure out what GMC 3/4 ton 4x4's would have a reasonable final
>> drive ratio in them...gotta 4.30 in there if I read the lineset card
>> right, and that seems to be just about right.

Well--4.30 was the tallest ratio available for the RA15 (with 4.88 and 6.17
being the only other two), so you likely have it correct.

Greg --who has four 19.5" single wheels in your bolt pattern, too ;-)
>> Then to find one for sale cheap...borrow brother in laws van, and go get
>> it.
>'course it would make just as much sense to find a 74/75 1200 4x4.  Any
>one have any leads on a rotten one with a good drive train? Heh.
>        David Raistrick    http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote.html
>[email protected]           http://www.expita.com/nomime.html
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