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Re: [ihc] Starter running on

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Joseph Shaw, II" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>; <[email protected]>
Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2004 18:54
Subject: [ihc] Starter running on

> Okay-I wrote for advice on this about two weeks ago-the last time I had
> to tinker with it, but now have some new info.
> This is all on a '77 Diesel N/A Scout II set-up, w/auto trans.
> First, I went out, tried to start it again just to see if it hadn't
decided to
> "slip into" a working condition while I had let it sit.  It immediately
> on, starting glowing red hot and smoking, etc.  By the time I got the
> off, the mounting plate for the terminal was literally melting!!!  I
> believe it!  And this was a brand new battery!
> Anyway, obviously it still sticks.  However, I decided to take it out and
> to put a little grease on the starter gear and see if that didn't allow it
> release, as was mentioned by Allan E, I believe.
> Well, While I had it out I decided to test it again while out of the
> and this time it did spin, but the starter gear did not slide up the
> sat still in place inside the housing, and thus, would not seem to be able
> turn the engine over.  Now it was definitely turning the whole engine over
> while I had it in there, but wondered if there was some reason for this.
> thought it was mainly a centripetal/centrifugal kind of force that caused
> starter gear to slide up and engage the flywheel in the first place, so I
> figured while out of the engine, it should work even better than while in
> engine.
> Is this wrong?
> Thanks!
> Michael

Did you hook up to the starter motor or the solenoid for this test?  If you
don't energize the solenoid then the gear won't kick out because the
soleniod is responsible for that aspect.  The ford starters use the spinning
potion to kick the gear out, but the GM style uses the soleniod to do it.


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