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RE: [ihc] Re: [OLDIHC:] B-130...new owner!

## >> Any help IDing this carb so I can get a kit for it?  It's
## >> likely whatever
## >> was original..

as near as i can tell, and i'm sure others can ID this thing better than i
can, you've got a Holley model 2110 carb on there.  my own 1960 B122 had a
BD220 in it with a Holley model 1920 carb.  easy to rebuild, easy to work on
and tune.  the 2110 looks a bit more complicated, but still fairly easy.
you should be able to get a rebuild kit direct from Holley for that

Allan E. said in the post about IH engines and lead that you should be okay
with regular unleaded with this engine.  for the most part i am certain he's
right, especially with the SV (V8) engines, just not so sure about the BD
series six cylinders.  i'd say stay with the lowest-octane fuel you can get.
i know somebody's probably going to jump on me for this and tell me i'm
wrong and/or that i don't know what i'm talking about, but i burned three of
the six cylinders (almost zero compression) in my BD220 by running a tankful
of supreme unleaded through it without any lead additive or anything else.
i still have that engine, and i still haven't fixed it, it needs a compleat
valve job (and probably a whole lot more now).  with the low-octane regular
unleaded, you should be pretty safe, but if it were *my* engine, i'd run a
lead additive (without octane boost) anyway, just to be absolutely certain.
my dad ran leaded fuel in the B122 for the 16 years he had it before giving
it to me...  i ran unleaded in it for 4 years without trouble before putting
supreme in it *one* time and burning the valves.  in hindsight, i wouldn't
go without the lead additive in a BD six cylinder if i could get it.

## >> Gotta find some books for this truck...in the meantime,
## >> anyone have tuneup
## >> data? If I read the linecard right, it's a BD-264? Need to find some
## >> gaskets, too.

that's either a BD240 or BD264 that you've got there.  the BD220 didn't get
the banjo side-mount air cleaner that you have, only the 240 and 264 got
those.  lot better unit than the air cleaner that the BD220s got, in my

go to Binder Books for the manuals, you will never regret getting a set.
worth their weight in gold.  you'll find the Binder Books contact info in
the IHC Digest regular posting of supporting advertisers, but i'm pasting it
in here for you anyway:

Binder Books				503-684-2024
http://www.binderbooks.com/	 Fax:	503-684-3990
	<[email protected]>

there are other vendors on the advertising page who can provide you with
specialized parts and other goodies.  supporting the IH-specific vendors is
a good thing.  +)

the usual Mac nickel, and as always, take what i say with a grain of salt.


Take care and be well, all thee and thine;

May the Hamr lend thee Strength and Courage,
May the Twin Ravens lend thee Wisdom and Guidance,
May the Wolves Guard and Protect thee, and
May the Light of Harmony ever shine brightly upon thee and thine,
Through all thy Life's Journeys, from this life unto the next!

Hail the Gods and Goddesses of our Folk!

Krystof "Mac" MacBryghde

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