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RE: [ihc] bed interchange, was: David's IH quest

On Wed, 21 Apr 2004, Isaac Hastings wrote:

> Look on my webpage http://isaac.healdsburg.net/travelall/. About halfway

Thanks, will do!

> free truck. Also, don't feel pressured just because the guy is going on
> vacation. Plenty more good trucks will come along if that one doesn't
> pan out.

~nod~ My main purpose of going out is to be able to drive one of these
trucks, as well as let my girlfriend drive it.  Find out what it's like to
drive first (we don't expect a cushy ride, don't worry..:) and then go
from there.

He already mentioned rust in a few spots bubbling through the paint, which
implies poor bodywork prepaint...Thanks for the pointers on the dash
vents, etc.


        David Raistrick    http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote.html
[email protected]	   http://www.expita.com/nomime.html

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