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Re: [ihc] Coil Voltage?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John Hofstetter" <[email protected]>
To: "George B Humphrey" <[email protected]>; <[email protected]>
Cc: <[email protected]>
Sent: Saturday, March 20, 2004 22:26
Subject: Re: [ihc] Coil Voltage?

> Some other digester probably knows off the top of his head what is always
> hot in either start or run mode. Besides the + terminal of the coil in the
> factory wiring.
> John Hofstetter

Best place for ign is an "ign unfused" source, which on the vehicles I've
dealt with has always been a very easily accessible feed from the fuse block
(read: you don't even have to mess with the block, just plug a wire in from
the fuse side).  Havn't done it with an IH, so don't know if it's like that
on our trucks...

Basically, look on your fuse panel, and see if there is a plug on the front
(the type where a clip will go on it) with IGN UNFUSED or IGN UFSD or
something to that effect beside it.  Just run a wire from that to your coil
and/or your relay.  When I put the HEI in the '70 chevy that's how I got my
full voltage to it, just ran a brand new wire and left the original points
stuff in place in case I ever wanted to switch back.  You don't need to have
anything to do with the starter solenoid if you aren't trying to rig up a
voltage drop during start.

You may want to put a fuse inline for the relay, but that's up to you.
Leave the ign itself unfused.


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