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RE: [ihc] Pics of the rock fix on my torn out spring mount, Don't take this for granite

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]On Behalf Of Tom
> Mandera
> Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2004 3:41 PM
> To: Isaac Hastings
> Cc: ihc-digest
> Subject: Re: [ihc] Pics of the rock fix on my torn out spring mount,
> Don't take this for granite
> I suspect the tires and springs would have, though... just like they did
> when Hofs drove it in. :)

Well, they held it up until the shackle broke... Tom, I suspect that you are
younger than me, and therefore still 'immortal'. These days, I wouldn't be
caught dead (ha ha) underneath 2 and a half tons of truck without support,
even if I thought my big head MIGHT clear the downward bounce when the jack

It reminds me of my youngest son's recent hunter safety course mantra on the
definition of a firearm safety: "a man-made, mechanical device that can and
will fail". That's how I feel about jacks, too...

Anyway, sorry to be such an 'old woman', but lately, pain and death scare
the hell out of me. -John A.
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