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Re: [ihc] Flaring

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Joel M Brodsky" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 15:25
Subject: [ihc] Flaring

> Okay, so if the common 'double-flare' is a folded over flared 'bugle' then
> how do I double flare something with my tool that looks like it clamps a
> pipe and
> screws down a point into the end?  If mine won't do it,how does a true
> double flare tool work?
> hmmmm
> -pondering
> JoelB

Wish I could show you the diagrams in my hydraulic systems book, covers it
quite nicely.  You should see the aviation flare tool, really does make the
snap-on one look like junk, looks a whole lot easier to use too.

IIRC your tool should have two points.  One should be the actual pointed end
that goes down in, and one should be a flat piece with a little round
(cylinder) piece sticking out of it.  That second piece is what you use
first to make the bugle, and then you put the pointed in to push the bugle
into the double flare (IIRC).  This is from messing with my automotive flare
tool.  There are actual specs in the book as to how far out the tubing has
to stick out past the end of the holder piece when you start as well as how
far past the end it has to stick when you finish.  I don't have it handy to
look at it and I didn't pay an extreme amount of attention to the listed
procedures so these ones are from what I remember from messing with my flare
tool.  I'm definately going to keep that book handy next time I try making
flares though!  The tool itself might as well not come with any instructions
or reccomendations.


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