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RE: [ihc] Special Tools, Help?

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jim or Ginger Aos [mailto:[email protected]]
> Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 8:05 AM
> To: John M. Adams; [email protected]
> Subject: Re: [ihc] Special Tools, Help?
> My wife and and I are guessing that it might be some kind of
> leather working
> tools; punches, rivet setting, snap setting, hole punching, etc.  I am
> looking forward to the real answer.  Jim A.

Jim, that's funny. My wife and I had the very same first thought when I
brought it home, but with the benefit of having the thing here in front of
us, decided no leather was ever worked so fine. "Dastardly Dentistry" also
occurred to us, but we ruled that out as well. Thanks to Mr. Hofstetter, we
now know what it is I rescued from the dump yesterday. And thanks be to him
as well that I no longer think Horology is something to do with the working
girls' tricks of the trade. -John A.
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