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Re: [ihc] Question about cab light lenses

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Rocky Lear" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Saturday, February 21, 2004 22:24
Subject: [ihc] Question about cab light lenses

> Hello all...maybe someone here can help me figure out some questions I
have about cab light lenses. I am putting together a set of the cab lights
common to the Loadstar series. One of my NOS fixtures has a lens exactly
like the amber ones except that it is red. What were these red lenses used
in? Are these common and is there a new replacement like them? In my state,
a forward facing red light is illegal. Were these same fixtures made to be
pointing toward the rear?
> Rocky

Didn't see a reply to this so here goes.

Saw someone else maybe ask this question somewhere?  The answer I saw given
was that they may have been for EMS vehicles.  IE a fire engine would have
gotten red clearance lights instead of amber.  I don't really know the
answer to the question though.  I could see if the CTS-2300 has any
information on it though when I get a chance if you'd like.


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