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Re: [ihc] Postal 800 Purchased + help with some questions

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "James Lidberg" <[email protected]>
To: "David Bongo" <[email protected]>; "IHC Digest"
<[email protected]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2004 00:09
Subject: Re: [ihc] Postal 800 Purchased + help with some questions

> My 2 cents below -
> From:           David Bongo <[email protected]>
> Subject:        [ihc] Postal 800 Purchased + help with some questions
> > Cooling - The truck currently has the stock (engine powered) fan.  I was
> > considering putting a second (electric) fan in front of the radiator to
> > help with air flow.

> in my opinion just try it as is, my guess it will be just fine stock. RE
fan belt breaking, does it have 2 fan belts
> like the 345 I have?

I agree with the whole idea of trying it stock first.  Make sure the fan is
in good shape.  I guess an electric couldn't hurt.  Maybe rig it up with a
toggle switch?

> > Air Handler - It has the original oil-bath filter.  I'd like to replace
> > it with a paper filter.
> I *think* the oil bath cleans the air better than paper, not sure though.
> - Jim in Mesa

I've always heard that the oil-baths were far superior in keeping air clean,
they just can be a little messy and you don't want them if you are planning
to do any offroading IIRC.


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