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Re: [ihc] RHD vs. LHD steering boxes

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David Bongo" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>; <[email protected]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2004 23:30
Subject: Re: [ihc] RHD vs. LHD steering boxes

> > Date: Tue, 10 Feb 2004 19:34:14 -0700
> > From: Joel M Brodsky <[email protected]>
> > Subject: [ihc] RHD vs. LHD steering boxes
> The chore is in locating a box that mounts in the proper position.
> There isn't one.  The only RHD box out there is a manual box.  Can't get
> power on that.  The only boxes I know of that mount on the RHS of the
> frame rail are the mythic T/A box, the Ford box mentioned earlier in
> this thread, and a Corvette box from (IIRC) the '60s.  None of which
> (AFAIK) share the same mounting hole pattern.  Any solution, it would
> seem, requires some fabrication.  Personally, on an 258 equipped Scout,
> I think fabricating a pump bracket is probably easier than drilling and
> sleeving the frame.  But that's just me.  On a V8 Scout, you'll have to
> drill new holes anyway so you might as well mount the box in a spot
> where it's natural movement will work.
> Dave

FYI ont he pump relocating... some vehicles put the pump on the opposite
side of the engine from the p/s box.  Don't know if the diesel scouts are
like this but I know that the SD-33s in the CJ-10 tugs are.  They just run
really *long* pressure and suction hoses for the p/s that go around in front
of the radiator.

Might not be worth doing when looking at fabbing a bracket... and I don't
know about having so much pressure line.

Just bringing up that it's been done before...


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