Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2004 14:05:33 -0500
From: nick <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: [ihc] Nick's 3 wheeler
Hi Jim,
Yes this is a Scout II.
Napa Premium bearings and collar were installed on both axles at a napa
store in Kent Washington about 4 or 5 years ago. I had it up on a
hoist in August and movement (end play) was not excessive. There were
no unusual noises prior to a loud bang and the axle was gone.
I replaced the axle and bearings (including races) on both sides with
the ones in the used axle I bought after cleaning, inspecting and
regreasing. They are Timken bearings. The bearing on the original axle
from the other side was still in very good shape so I will keep it for
a spare.
Nick, your post implies that you are/were still using the inner seals and
relying on grease lubrication. In that scenario, pulling the bearing for a
repack prolly ought to be an annual PM. Either that or tapping the housing
for a zerk a la the earlier tapered axle 44's(and hoping the extra grease
goes past the inner seal and not the outer). Otherwise, the consensus seems
to be that you're best off ditching the inner seal and relying on the diff
oil for lube. Most folks feel better having the diff over-filled going this
way, altho' IH went this route in the latter part of SII production without
raising the fill plug location. I know with the Bronco high pinion front
cover on the back of my Traveler I am 'gosh darn' sure there is gear oil
getting to the bearings. FWIW, Timken likes oil for bearing lube better
than grease.