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Re: [ihc] High back buckets

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Rocky Lear" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2004 20:08
Subject: [ihc] High back buckets

> Were highback bucket seats...or any kind of bucket seat/center console
setup...ever available in an IH pickup or t-all? I bought a 79 Traveller
that I am going to part out and it has pillow styled highbacks in it but if
there ever was a console between them...it is long gone. TIA!
> Rocky

Oh, and the buckets in the panel are low backed buckets,  don't know if high
backed were availible.  Additionally, factory scout II center consoles are
availible new.  However, you might like to go to a larger one due to the
extra space in a full sized pickup.


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