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[ihc] Right hand Dave

Date: Sun, 01 Feb 2004 15:43:26 -0500
From: David Bongo <[email protected]>
Subject: [ihc] Power Steering (again)

I've got more questions, and a few answers, for my Power Steering
predicament.  My truck is a '74 RHD Scout II.

I'm currently using a LHD P/S gearbox mounted to the inside of the frame
rail.  Upon further inspection (confirmed by both me and my mechanic,
Terry) it has been determined that the gearbox is moving when turning
the wheel.  The output shaft is moving side-to-side as it rotates.  The
input shaft seems to be doing it, too.  It LOOKS like the box is
flexing, but since the box is a casting, that seems unlikely.  However,
the box does NOT sit on the frame rail, it is elevated slightly.  We're
thinking that we should get something to mount up underneath the box so
it IS sitting on something.

I fear I need a new gearbox.  And the noise/vibration I'm hearing is
probably the gears in the box grinding, so that seems like a good move.
Upon further discussion Terry, it seems as if a Straight Steer brace
would be a good move.  From what I understand, Fleckster sells the best
one of those, but since his seems to mount inside the frame rail (like
the box does) would it interfere with my steering setup?

So, what is the best way to go about fixing this?  I've had no luck
tracking down the mythic Travellall box, so that's not exactly looking
good.  Any ideas/suggestions/etc.?  I'm working to track down a stock
RHD gearbox, but I hate to put manual steering in, especially with what
I do.  A sentiment echoed by Terry.  It's kind of a last resort type of
solution, but one that's not totally off the table.

Any help/suggestions/moral support would be greatly appreciated.


Dave, there was a guy on the BB classifieds recently who was basically
*giving* away some RHD steering boxes.

Doesn't really matter if the box sits on the top of the frame, what's key is
the mounting surface. Plenty of LHD SII's have gotten reinforcement plates
welded in place under the steering gear because of flex/cracks. Whatever
mount has been cobbled up to put the LHD box on the other side needs to be
super-rigid, as you have noticed a PS box puts out a *bunch* of force. I
doubt that a straight steer type brace could be fitted in you application,
which isn't to say you couldn't fabricate something that would fit. The Jeep
crowd has braces that attach to the 'nose'(pitman shaft housing) of the box.
A brace is really a band-aid for a flexy box mounting.

You might find manual steering not to be too bad with stock size tires. Keep
the air pressure up, and make your steering inputs before the truck stops
rolling or after it starts rolling again.


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